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We are certain that you already know our project and the work we do in Guatemala, but do you want to know us a little more closely?

In this blog you will find stories of our volunteers and collaborators, written by their own fists and handwritting, based on their personal experiences. Travel stories and anecdotes, from Santa María de Jesús, from Antigua, and another incredible places in Guatemala which they had the chance to see. Testimonials of the people they met, the friendships they forged, the most outstanding moments of their experiences. And, of course, really interesting stories “made in JDA” about our families and students, central axis of our activity. You willl also find current news, events organized by the association, curiosities... And many more things! 

Take a look and fall in love with Jardín de Amor as much as us!

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© 2019 by Jardin de Amor

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